Lithuanian Police Reinvent Patrols with Electric Scooters

Article showing Kliapeda County Police using electric scooters to tackle crime and better serve the public.

Kliapeda County, Lithuania Police Officer Riding a White Three Wheeled Electric Scooter in a Pedestrian Area - Picture Courtesy of

Scooter rental companies in Klaipėda and Palanga, Lithuania, are facing losses due to dishonest customers failing to return rented electric scooters.

The police have been contacted, and losses amount to several hundred euros per scooter.

Although some scooters are returned, companies struggle to find a solution to prevent thefts.

One company has installed GPS transmitters in its scooters to track their location, while others are considering ways to ensure scooter rentals remain safe, such as collecting a deposit.

Small business owners hope to avoid further issues with dishonest tenants.

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